Monday, 31 May 2010

zekrom second type revealed

Zekrom whites legendary second type well we know both are dragon type zekrom second type is electric

Sunday, 30 May 2010

more black and white details

Both US And japaneze pokemon websites have revelaed the two new legendarys on the japanese website there is a clip of the male character walking around the new city as you have seen in the pre release pictures i have put google translate on for you click these 2 links to visit them English

artwork of the games

Blacks artwork on the left
Whites artwork on the right


Whites legendary Zekrom ->

<-Blacks legendary Reshiram

Dont get confused even though blacks mascot is white and whites mascot is black

They are both dragon type thats all we know

New pokemon



New pokemon

The starters are

Fire: Pokabu


Pokemon black and white pre release pictures

I am just going to put them on they are what you possibly will experience when you are playing